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Policies & Procedures inc Pan Cheshire

Local safeguarding procedures & protocols for professionals and multi-agency working.

A core function of Halton  Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) is developing procedures and policies for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

For children to be kept safe from harm it is essential that the local workforce of practitioners and managers, including volunteers and workers in faith settings, are well informed and understand the agreed local child protection procedures. Research has shown that children are best protected through well-coordinated multi-agency working and information sharing.

Working Together to Safeguard Children

The Halton Safeguarding Children Partnership has a program of reviews for  its multi-agency policies and procedures and updates will be disseminated through partnership briefings .

HSCP Pan-Cheshire Procedures & Guidance

The Halton Safeguarding Children Partnership works closely with its three neighboring Partnerships in Cheshire:

  • Cheshire East
  • Cheshire West and Chester
  • Warrington

The link below provides access to our shared Pan Cheshire procedures and guidance documents. These procedures apply to all agencies working with children and families across Cheshire.

This site contains procedures and practice guidance which reflect the Statutory Guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.

The content has been written to be accessible to a wide range of users from all organisations and agencies working with children and families, including the voluntary, charity, social enterprise and faith-based organisations and the private sector.

Pan-Cheshire Procedures

Pan Cheshire guidance – Disabled Children

Children with a disability are children first and foremost, and entitled to the same rights and protection as all other children. By definition, any child with a disability should also be considered as a Child in Need. A child can be considered to be disabled if they have significant problems with learning, communication, comprehension, vision, hearing or physical functioning. The child may also have a diagnosis from a medical professional.

Risks, indicators, action, law and further information can be accessed through the Pan Cheshire Tri X site for disabled children