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Welcome to the Halton Safeguarding  Children Partnership Website

Concerned About a Child?

Please make sure you review HSCP’s Training Cancellation Policy before booking a course

Please make sure you review HSCP’s Training Cancellation Policy before booking a course

Halton Safeguarding Children Partnership

The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) on 11th July 2019 was replaced by the Halton CYPS Partnership. In June 2024 this became known as the Halton Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP). Arrangements and further details can be found in the About Us page.

The arrangements were determined by the three key safeguarding partners – Halton Borough CouncilCheshire Constabulary and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside. All three safeguarding partners have equal and joint responsibility for local safeguarding arrangements.

Relevant agencies are named by the three partners, and all have a legal duty to co-operate with the arrangements – List of Relevant Agencies and Relevant Agencies – Organisational Responsibilities. (Both documents currently under review.)

If you would like your agency / service to be signposted on this website or if there is a section that you feel needs updating, please contact us:

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